Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Research and Development Solutions IRB

Research and Development Solutions (RADS) is registered under Office for Human Research Protection (OHRP) and has been formally designated to review, approve and monitor biomedical and behavioral research. We review health, employment, social and demographics research that involve human subjects.
The primary function or role of the IRB is to safeguard human subjects by training researchers in research ethics and best practices and reviewing research proposals. In reviewing a research protocol, the IRB balances the research’s risk to the human subjects with the benefits to society

The primary purpose of the IRB is to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects involved in research activities and look at proposed scientific methods to ensure the highest quality research.

  • To promote the safety and well-being of human participants.
  • To ensure adherence to the ethical values and principles underlying research.
  • To ensure that only ethical and scientifically valid research is implemented.
  • To allay concerns of the general public about the responsible conduct of research.

We are responsible for encouraging research activities to benefit the advancement of knowledge of human conditions. At the same time, we assume responsibility for ensuring the conditions for protecting human subjects as required by the National Research Act, Public Law 93- 348 and implemented by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). We require that information given to participants as part of informed consent is in accordance with appropriate laws, regulations, and international standards. The IRB may require that additional information be given to the participants when, in the IRB’s judgment, the information would meaningfully add to the protection of the rights and welfare of participants

Based on the IRB’s recommendation, the applicant may expect the following results:

  1. Approved: Approval is granted with no revisions necessary.
  2. Approved subject to required modifications: If minor changes or clarifications are needed, the IRB Chairperson overseeing the application may approve the research on behalf of the Committee once the revisions are completed. In this case, the applicant will have 4 weeks to provide additional information/ revisions required.
  3. Non-approval or disapproval: when a proposal does not fit the required standards, it will be disapproved. Disapproval results when the IRB has determined the protocol has risks that outweigh the benefits of participation and/or the application is significantly deficient in other areas. The application may be re-submitted only after complete revision.


  • It is registered under Office for Human Research Protection (OHRP), which falls under the U.S Department of Health and Human Services certified to constitute an Institutional Review Board (IRB).
  • We carry out a detailed/ thorough review in a committee of experts from various disciplines.
  • The review is timely, efficient, and helpful to the proponent.
  • RADS as an organization itself has vast experience in carrying out research studies of a similar nature.

Ms. Rafia Amir

IRB Coordinator

Ms. Annan Saeed

IRB Secretariat